Amateur radio satellites deploy March 14

Eight satellites, all coordinated by the IARU Satellite Frequency Coordination Panel, are planned to be deployed from the International Space Station on Sunday, March 14. The deployment should be streamed live on YouTube, watch from 09:15 GMT [UPDATE deployment now...

First contact via UVSQ-Sat FM transponder

On Friday, March 5, 2021, the first contact was made via the FM transponder on the UVSQ-Sat CubeSat. Michel Mahé F4DEY of the F6KRK Radio Club carried out the transponder test from the LATMOS ground station. The first contact was with Peter Goodhall 2M0SQL in Elgin....

23cm band in the spotlight with regulators

The Chair of IARU Region 1 Spectrum Affairs, Barry Lewis G4SJH, reports on the meeting of the ITU‑R Working Party 4C (WP4C) on February 15-19 which discussed the amateur radio allocation at 1240-1300 MHz. On the IARU Region 1 site he writes: During the week February...