Dnepr Nov 2013 Satellites

Satellites on Dnepr launch November 21, 2013 - Image credit Nader Omer ST2NH

Satellites on Dnepr launch November 21, 2013 – Image credit Nader Omer ST2NH

On Thursday, November 21 at 07:10:11 UT a Dnepr rocket carrying 32 satellites, 19 of which had amateur radio payloads, was launched from Dombarovsky near Yasny in the Russian Federation.

Radio amateurs reported receiving these satellite during the first day after launch:
• FUNcube-1
• Delfi-n3xt
• Triton-1
• CubeBug-2
• UWE3 9k6
• HumSat-D
• iCube-1
• $50SAT – Eagle2

One of the satellites on the launch UniSat-5 will deploy a number of additional satellites. Among them should be the CubeSats PUCP-SAT-1, HumSat-D, Icube-1, Dove-4 (Planet Labs Inc. non-amateur) and the PocketQubes Wren, Eagle-1 (BeakerSat), Eagle-2 ($50Sat), QB-Scout1. PUCP-SAT-1 intends to subsequently release a further satellite Pocket-PUCP.

UniSat-5 with labelsThe deployment of the satellites carried by UniSat-5 is expected to take place after launch. These satellites with amateur radio payloads were also on the Dnepr:

Several of these satellites are expected to provide opportunities for two-way amateur communications via linear transponders, FM to DSB repeaters, or digital links.

Dnepr Launch November 21, 2013 - Credit ISC Kosmotras

Dnepr Launch November 21, 2013 – Credit ISC Kosmotras

FUNcube-1 from AMSAT-UK and AMSAT-NL is a 1U cubesat that includes an educational beacon and 20 kHz wide linear transponder. Detailed info is at: http://funcube.org.uk/ and http://amsat-uk.org/funcube/funcube-cubesat/

Delfi-n3Xt is a 3U cubesat from Delft University of Technology that includes a 40kHz wide linear transponder and high speed S-band downlink. Detailed info may be found at http://www.delfispace.nl/index.php/delfi-n3xt

Triton-1 is a 3U cubesat from ISIS-BV (Innovative Solutions In Space BV) with a AIS (ship location service) radio science experiment. After the experiment is complete (est. 3 months), the spacecraft radios will be reconfigured to U/V FM to DSB (“AO-16 mode”) repeaters open for amateur use. More info is at http://www.isispace.nl/cms/index.php/projects/triton-missions

Dnepr Launch Frequency Chart by Mike Rupprecht DK3WN

Frequency list for amateur radio satellite deployments in November

Mass Amateur Radio Satellite Launch November 21

Online real time satellite tracking http://www.n2yo.com/

Satellite tracking http://amsat-uk.org/beginners/satellite-tracking/

Read the BBC story Rocket deploys spacecraft armada at

Story on NASA Space Flight

Watch video of the launch from the ISC Kosmatros 400m Camera